
Trait List

Combat: Envelop, Fight or Flight, Fling, Gorgons Gaze, Poisonous, Trample
Exploration: Burrow, Cheetahs Swiftness, Enhanced Senses
Interaction: Awaken Beast, Alpha, Beast Master, Call of the Wild, Den Mother, Gift of the Pack, Hive Mind


Related Themes: Transformation, Savagery, Tracking, Dragon

Suggested Signature Resource: Hunger




[ Beast, Combat, DoT, Control, ]

You can put a creature, up to your own size, inside of you. They will begin to take damage as you digest them.

However, physical conditions that they inflict on you are much worse than normal.

Describe: Swallowing someone whole, wrapping with tentacles, constricting them with your snake-body.

Empower: They can’t escape until you’re defeated, they gain the condition “Crushed” or “Digested”.

Backfire: prolonged projectile vomiting. Gain the condition: sick

Related Traits: Transformation.Alter Size, Gestalt


Fight or Flight

[ Beast, Combat, Heal ]

Once per battle, when your health is below half, you may choose to fight or flee.

  • If you fight, increase your next combat roll and transfer 1 point of your wits to health. Take the temporary condition: “reckless”.
  • If you flee, increase your next roll to run and transfer 1 point of your wits to endurance. Take the temporary condition: “afraid”.

Describe: Acting like a cornered beast, running on instinct, becoming feral, doing whatever it takes.



[ Beast, Combat, Control ]

Spend a good tale to fling a creature, up to twice your size, a near distance. If the impact would logically harm them, you may also inflict a bad tale for free.

Describe: Knocking them aside with horns, slamming into them, biting them and flinging them into the air.

Empower: multiple creatures, no size limit, further distance, etc.

Related Traits: Psionics.Force Wave


Gorgon’s Gaze

[ Beast, Combat, Control, Petrify ]

You can set a creature under your gaze.

The GM will set up a new challenge track for the effect “Turning to Stone” (default 3 boxes). Subsequently, when you receive a good tale, you can choose to mark a box on the Turning To Stone challenge. When it’s full, the creature gains the condition “petrified” and is unable to take any physical action. If that renders the creature defeated, the GM may elect to mark all of the boxes on the original challenge which represented that particular opponent.

Collaborate: What can an opponent do to shake off the effect before it’s complete?

Describe: Your serpentine eyes, freezing them with your baleful gaze, poisoning their mind and muscles.



[ Alchemy, Combat, Interaction, Attack, DoT, Poison]

Spend a good tale to inflict poison on your target. Every time you receive a subsequent good tale you get a bonus good tale to inflict harm. The effect ends when you make a roll but fail to receive a good tale, or the target dies.

Collaborate: What’s your method of delivery? How does the poison manifest in the victim?

Reskin Ideas: Any Damage over Time effect. eg: rending with sharp claws to cause bleed, freezing their veins, slowly constricting them, etc.



[ Beast, Combat, Balanced, Mobility, AoE ]

You can charge more or less in a straight line up to a near distance. You’ll push through (or over) anyone in the way. Bolster your attempts to take an audacious action which will inflict harm on up to 3 creatures in your path.

Describe: Crushing them underfoot, bull rushing past them, turning ghostly and ripping through their souls.

Empower: Inflict a bad tale and a condition, charge to a far distance, etc.




[ Beast, Exploration, Balanced, Mobility, Stealth ]

You can slowly burrow through the earth. If you like, leave behind a tunnel roughly your size. The tunnel is big enough for your allies to move through.

Collaborate to determine how fast you dig and what happens to the excess material.

Describe: Digging with heavy claws, slithering through soil like a worm, pushing apart rock with your mass.

Empower: The tunnel is much bigger than your size, allowing larger allies to pass through, the process is faster

Related Traits: Elements.Shape Earth, Artifice.Thermite


Cheetah’s Swiftness

[ Beast, Exploration, Mobility, Speed ]

You can run much faster than normal.

Traveling like this exhausts you. On bad tales, if you would lose Endurance, lose an additional point. If you would gain a condition, take “Exhausted”.

Collaborate: how fast you run, how long you can go, how exhausted you become

Describe: Sprinting at top speed, running in leaps and bounds, charging across the open plains.


Enhanced Senses

[ Beast, Exploration, Perception, Passive ]

Collaborate on an enhanced natural sense that you have.

Describe: Studying others with slitted cat-eyes, sniffing the air or the ground, your ears perking up suddenly.

Senses: Bat-like echolocation, wolf-like sense of smell, cat-like night vision, rabbit-like sense of hearing.


Spin Web

[ Beast, Exploration, Mobility, Control, Utility ]

Spend a good tale to produce sticky or non-sticky web strands that are stronger than steel chains. If sticky, they powerfully stick to everything other than you that they touch.

Describe: Spinning a deadly web, dangling strands from the ceiling, platinum strands that glimmer faintly.



[ Beast, Exploration, Mobility, Intangibility ]

Spend a good tale to disperse into a swarm or reconstitute around one of your component pieces. At the GM’s discretion, losing parts of your swarm may harm you.

Describe: Falling apart, vanishing in a cloud of creatures, scattering into holes and cracks, dispersing.

Swarm of: Rats, bats, snakes, ants, bugs, leeches and worms, flies, motes of light, woodland creatures, birds.


Wall Climbing

[ Beast, Exploration, Mobility, Passive ]

You can adhere to any solid surface, including ceilings.

Describe: Holding on with powerful claws, adhering with sticky feet, attaching with webbing or sticky goo.



Awaken Beast

[ Beast, Interaction, Balanced, Minion, Gather Intel ]

Spend a good tale to give an animal human-like intelligence and the ability to speak. Collaborate on its personality. Its disposition toward you significantly improves.

Describe: Unlocking its mind, giving it a fragment of your consciousness, accelerating its evolution.

Related Traits: Artificer.Spark, Nature.Awaken, Beast.Alpha



[ Beast, Interaction, Minion ]

When you defeat a beast, as a neutral tale you can force it to become your minion with the contract, “_______ will loyally serve you in exchange for indulging it’s instincts.” The beast either comes with its original abilities, or traits worth ½ your XP and attributes 2/0/0/-1.

Describe: Holding your teeth to their neck, staring them down, integrating them to your pack, a battle of will.


Beast Master

[ Beast, Interaction, Language, Passive ]

You can communicate with animals.

Describe: Growling and grunting, reading each other’s minds, understanding the animal’s chittering as words.


Call of the Wild

[ Beast, Interaction, Persuasion ]

Spend a good tale to cause all animals within a far distance to follow a basic instinct of your choice.

Describe: Unleashing a primal roar, provoking their instinct, starting a stampede, releasing pheromones. Instinct: Stampede, gather around a certain location, calm down, flee the area, protect this territory.


Den Mother

[ Beast, Interaction, Heal ]

When you have time alone with an ally, you can spend a good tale to remove one of their conditions related to an emotion or negative thought. “Distressed”, “Ashamed”, “Hopeless”, “Furious”, etc.

Describe: calming them by fireside, listening to their problems


Gift of the Pack

[ Beast, Interaction, Temp Trait ]

Spend a point of your signature resource to undergo a CL3 challenge which, upon completion, will grant all of your allies within a near distance one of your traits. The trait is temporary and only persists while they stay within a far distance.

Describe: Leading your pack, spreading a hive mentality, having monkey see monkey do, moving as one.

Related traits: Alchemy.Brew Potion, Warfare.Iron Sharpens Iron


Hive Mind

[ Beast, Interaction, Communication, Perception, Passive ]

Collaborate on which creatures are in your hive mind. Creatures in a hive mind share consciousness; when one learns something, everyone else in the hive learns it as well.

Describe: Sharing your consciousness, ruling as the hive queen/king, forming a primal bond.