

Related Themes: Command, Beast, Elements

Suggested Signature Resource: Pride



[ Combat, Slight Improvement ]

Physical conditions you inflict are much worse than normal. Collaborate on what that means.

Describe: Tearing off an arm, burning their skin, breaking a bone, plucking out an eye, ripping skin to shreds.

Dragon’s Breath

[ Dragon, Combat, Charged, AoE ]

You can blow damaging material in a cone or line in front of you, affecting up to five enemies. When you do so, you can attempt an audacious action which will mark 5 challenge boxes instead of 3.

Note: This doesn’t make the audacious action any easier, so you may want to spend a turn bolstering yourself to charge the effect before you attempt it.

Collaborate: How do you charge the trait? What does that look like?

Describe: Breathing fire, causing an avalanche, roaring so loud their ears bleed, blasting air with your wings.

Related Traits: Arcane.Evocation, Artifice.Bomb

Scales Like Tenfold Shields

[ Dragon, Combat, Defense, Sunder ]

Gain the defense “Scales Like Tenfold Shields [].” Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale from a weapon. When you do, that weapon shatters, breaks, or is otherwise rendered temporarily unusable.

Describe: A sword shattering on your hide, knocking away a hammer, igniting a bow in dragonfire. Work with your group to determine how to restore your defense.


Gem-Encrusted Hide

[ Dragon, Exploration, Absorb ]

Spend a good tale to destroy a magic item you’re holding and make it permanently part of you, as if you are now the magic item. When you’re slain, the items (or at least the parts necessary to reforge them) can be recovered from your corpse.

Describe: Magic coursing through your veins, feeding on raw energy, storing treasure inside of your body.


[ Dragon, Exploration, Base, Defense, Bolster ]

When you sleep in a place that you control, you can designate it as your lair. Gain the defense “Lair [][].” Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale while in your lair. Alternatively, mark a box to increase a roll related to your lair.

Collaborate: How do you restore your Lair Defense?

Describe: Shaping the world in your dreams, imposing your will on the terrain, attracting wildlife like you. Lairs: Volcano filled with magma pools, sub-zero glacier, humid jungle, fetid swamp, maze-like tunnels.

Related Traits: Thievery.Hideout

My Precious

[Dragon, Exploration, Locate, Assess ]

Spend a good tale to know the exact location of any precious item that you’ve touched before. Also, the GM must answer honestly whenever you ask how much something is worth.

Describe: Feeling the pull of gold in your blood, your gold-colored eyes, covetously hoarding treasures.

Related Traits: Tracking.Know your Prey


[ Dragon, Exploration, Gather Intel ]

When you first set foot in someone else’s home, lair, or domain, as a neutral tale, you can uncover an important or useful fact about it’s inhabitants or owner.

Collaborate: What’s interesting about this place?

Describe: Sniffing the air, Observing the clues

Related Traits: Tracking.Deduce


A Dragon Never Forgets

[ Dragon, Interaction, Revenge, List ]

After someone wrongs you and gets away with it, write their name on your character sheet. Cross off a name to tell a free Good Tale to get revenge.

When you have taken revenge on someone, they can’t be added to the list again.

Collaborate: How serious must the infraction be to get on the list?

Describe: Brooding in your lair, plotting vicious revenge, monologuing, hatred burning in your eyes.


[ Dragon, Interaction, Defense ]

Gain the defense “Pride [].” Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale related to damaged reputation or social status.Then, gain a free Good Tale to improve your reputation or social status.

Collaborate: How do you recover your pride?

Describe: Looking down at your inferiors, your regal bearing, building a fearsome reputation.

Serve or DIE

[ Dragon, Interaction, Minions, Contract ]

Whenever you torture or kill one of your minions, your other minions who watched you will change the end of their contracts to “in exchange for not being tortured or killed.”

Describe: Devouring a weak link, crushing them like an ant, finding their lack of loyalty disturbing.

Terrifying Glory

[ Dragon, Interaction, Presence ]

In any social situation, spend a good tale to make everyone stop what they’re doing and give you their undivided attention, even if for just a few moments.

Describe: Bellowing a command, doing something terrifying, showcasing your incredible grandeur.


[ Dragon, Interaction ]

After you showcase your incredible power, name a person or organization who knows what you did. They freely offer you a tribute.

Describe: Warning that they’re next if they don’t pay you, terrifying peasants, showcasing your grandeur. Tributes: A seat of honor at a major event, treasure, minions, land, a promise not to enter your territory.