

Related Themes: Arcane, Alchemy

Suggested Signature Resource: Attunement




[ Elements,  Combat, Defense, Immunity, Passive ]

Collaborate on a threat you’re completely immune to, and another threat that you’re especially vulnerable to. Describe: Immunity to flames but weakness to frost, immunity to magic but weakness to physical harm.


[ Elements, Combat, AoE, DoT, Resource Required ]

You can spend a good tale to make a “medium area” damaging for several minutes.

Give the area the resource: Blaze [ ] [ ] [ ]

Whenever you receive a subsequent good tale, in addition to your normal choice, as a neutral tale you can mark one “Blaze” to inflict harm on any creature in the zone.

Bad tales may be spent to lose a point of your signature resource.

Describe: Setting the ground ablaze, growing razor-sharp ice shards, generating a lightning field.

Backfire: The Zone is not where it was intended.


[ Elements, Combat, AoE, Unpredictable ]

Spend a good tale to start a natural disaster. Once started, the disaster is out of your control (but you might be able to influence it).

Cataclysms: Tornado, hurricane, earthquake, blizzard, heat wave, dust storm, thunder storm, gale force winds.

Describe: Unleashing raw elemental power, shattering nature’s balance, turning your emotions into magic.


[ Combat, Exploration, Control, Freeze ]

Spend a good tale to freeze a handful of material in ice.

Collaborate: How long does the process take? What happens when you target a foe?

Describe: Locking them in ice, freezing their blood, covering them with frost, surrounding them in earth.

Related Traits: Alchemy.Oil Slick, Beast.Gorgon’s Gaze


[ Combat, DoT ]

Spend a good tale to can give something the condition “On Fire”.

If you target a Boss or Lieutenant, The GM will mark an additional mark on their challenge track each time you tell a subsequent good tale, unless they manage to put out the blaze first.

Describe: Igniting their clothes, setting their soul ablaze, surrounding them in blue fire, elemental havoc.


[ Elements, Combat, Control, Hold ]

Spend a good tale to paralyze someone for a second or two.

Describe: Electricity arcing from person to person, throwing a bolt of lightning like a javelin.

Empower: You can affect multiple targets, The electrocution is extremely painful, The paralysis is painless.

Releated Traits: Elements.Frostbite, Beast.Gorgon’s Gaze


Control Weather Exploration, Roll Required

As a neutral tale, you can attempt to change the weather.

Spend your good tale to change the weather to anything that the region could reasonably experience this time of year. The weather changes in a few minutes or hours (GM’s choice).

Describe: Changing the air pressure, creating moisture, bringing in a cold front, shaping the clouds.



Clutch of Earth

You can change the effects of gravity in the area. How much depends on the size of the Zone. E. g. You can reverse gravity in a small Zone, or you can distort it in a larger zone.

Describe: Changing magnetic fields, altering earth’s density, enhancing the pull of gravity.



Earth Walk

You can move through stone, metal, and earth as if they have the consistency of mud. You can breathe normally and sense your surroundings while in these materials.

Describe: Changing magnetic fields, altering earth’s density, enhancing the pull of gravity.




You can fly. Collaborate on how this trait works.

Describe: Sprouting wings, running across the air as if it were solid, riding on powerful winds.

How it works: You need safe take-off and landing zones, it’s exhausting, you can carry a few others.



Iron Body

You weigh up to 20 times more than normal and can’t be forcibly moved.

Describe: Rocky skin, iron-hard bones, the gravity of earth pulling you, a body made of stone and crystals.

Shape Element

Collaborate on an element. You can create 1 space of that element, or manipulate several spaces of that element.

Describe: Practicing element-bending, extending your hand and commanding the elements to respond.

Related Traits: Nature.Verdant Growth, Elements.Terraform


You can reshape the landscape. The terrain changes over the course of days or weeks (GM’s choice).

Describe: Growing a mountain, diverting a river, burrowing a cave, opening a chasm, flooding lowlands.

Related Traits: Elements.Shape Element


You can sense the movements of things touching the earth within about 1 hour’s travel in all direction. Also, you can put your ear to the ground to hear the vibrations of very distant things.

Describe: Feeling the earth tremble beneath your feet, sensing subtle vibrations, hearing the earth rumbling.


Booming Voice

[ Elements, Interaction, Passive, Oration ]

You have a thunderous, mighty, booming voice, and a presence to match. Your words will reach many more people than is normally possible, and when you speak, it always, without fail, draws a crowd.

Calm the Storm

[ Elements, Combat, Interaction, Calm ]

You can make others become significantly more passive, calm, and reasonable. This ends if someone acts threateningly toward them.

In combat, once per group of enemies, you can spend a good tale to switch the combat challenge into an interaction challenge. The challenge immediately reverts to combat if anyone on your side attacks them again.

Collaborate: What happens if your opponents win the interaction challenge: back to combat?

Describe: Quenching the fires that rage in their hearts, creating a soothing breeze, soothing their inner turmoil.

Explosive Temper

[ Elements, Interaction, Sacrifice ]

When you mark the “surrender” box in an Interaction challenge, before you go out, you may immediately take an Audacious Action to release all your pent up rage at one target of your choice. You may also spend a point of your signature resource to bolster that audacious action, making it a roll with normal difficulty instead of disadvantage.

If you get a good tale in your audacious action, in addition to marking checkboxes, you may also choose to destroy something valuable that belongs to your opponent.

Describe: throwing a tantrum, hurling things across the room, flipping tables over, “you’ll be sorry you crossed me!”

Related Traits: Faith.Martyr, Undeath.Death Throes

Fan the Flames

[ Elements, Interaction, Combat, Taunt ]

You can significantly intensify whatever emotions creatures are currently feeling.

Once per group of foes, you can spend a good tale to switch an interaction challenge into a combat challenge. Any careful observers will note that you didn’t attack first.

Describe: Adding fuel to their passions, igniting their souls with elemental energy, sparking their desires.


Sick Burn

[ Elements, Interaction, DPS ]

When you spend a good tale to incite, insult, or demean your opponent, spend one point of your signature resource and mark +1 box on the challenge track. Do this for every consecutive, new, relevant insult, marking an extra box each time. (so 1, then 2, then 3, etc.)

People you have insulted will remember what you said, and though you might get your way now, there’s a good chance you’ve just made an enemy.

Still Air

[ Elements, Interaction, Combat, Silence, AoE ]

Spend a good tale to impart a “zone” with the condition “Silenced” for several hours. In that zone, nothing can make any noise whatsoever.

Collaborate: What benefits does silence provide? On stealth? On Spellcasters? On bards and orators?

Describe: Freezing air in place, absorbing sound waves with the earth, keeping the air perfectly still.