

Minions are characters that obey another character, referred to as their leader. Minions are typically expendable or temporary, so they follow special rules to speed up gameplay.

Minions are considered to be part of their leader. Therefore, leaders effectively control their minions, make their decisions, and roll on their behalf if necessary.

Minion loyalty is not absolute. Minions will abandon their leader if the situation calls for it — for example, if their leader is torturing them or sending them on obviously suicidal missions. It’s up to the GM to decide when minions abandon their leaders.

Minions can be acquired through any number of means. Typically, leaders acquire minions by going to populated areas and recruiting minions by offering something they want — gold, glory, adventure, etc.

When you “declare an objective” to recruit someone as a minion, your GM will probably set a challenge. The length will depend on the difficulty or likelihood that they would join you.

Minion Attributes and Traits

By default, minions will come with 0 XP. Some traits will allow you to recruit minions which have ½ of your traits or XP. The attribute array of a recruited minion is 0/0/0/0, unless obtaining them requires tougher than usual challenge.

Minion Contracts

Minions won’t serve you for free. Every minion requires a contract, which is an agreement about the minion’s services. The term “contract” isn’t literal — you don’t need your minion to sign a contract (though you’re welcome to do that if you like). Contracts also include verbal and implicit agreements.

The wording for contracts is as follows: “Minion_Name will Perform_this_Service in exchange for Something_of_Value.”

Here are some example contracts:

  • Your trusty Dog will serve you loyally in exchange for food and companionship.
  • Gerald the Scout will lead you through the mountains in exchange for a bag of gold coins.
  • Hargaesh the Demon will help you slaughter your enemies in exchange for 1 favor to be redeemed at a later time.

Minion advancement

Minions recruited without a trait do not gain XP. If you recruit a minion with a trait, they always have the same XP ratio, typically ½ your XP.

Patrons, Deities, Spirits

If you take traits from Faith, Occultism, or Nature, you may want to describe your Patron, Deity or Spirit.  Consider the following:

  • Instinct, Desires or Motivation
  • Domain of Control or Authority
  • Where they come from or exist
  • What sort of followers and worshippers do they attract
  • What they look like or how they manifest themselves