
Downtime, Time, Rest, Recovery, Healing

this section is currently under review. it’s likely to change.

When you’re in a calm situation, you will probably want to accomplish some personal goals and recover some of your own resources. You can still make objectives outside of any specific challenge. If there’s no active opposition, rolls should be easy (increased). Bad tales can be spent in the normal way, or to advance NPC objectives.

For example, you might want to “rest to recover your health”. There’s no active opposition, so you make an increased roll but only get a 7 (bad tale). You could get worse (lose a resource), or you could make your life more difficult by discovering a new threat, but you decide to give the GM a good tale to advance one of their active NPC challenge tracks: the Vampire Elizabeth is raising an army to conquer the east. The GM marks one box on that challenge track.

Downtime Challenges, Crafting

Some downtime objectives will require their own challenge tracks. Discuss challenge lengths with your GM.

For example, you want to craft a new set of armor, and you consult with the group on the difficulty, which you set at CL4. Next, you’d probably want to declare individual objectives to get access to a forge, find materials, spend some time pounding metal, and make sure the fit is appropriate. Any of your bad tales could be spend in the normal ways, including giving the GM a good tale to advance NPC challenge tracks.

Recovering Conditions

Removing a condition should require completion of a challenge. Work with your group to determine the Challenge Length.