

Related Themes: Thievery, Beast, Bardic Lore

Signature Resource Suggestions: Patience, Scent, Nerves




Black Arrow

[ Tracking, Combat, Accuracy ]

At any time, you may declare that you’re using your very last ammo. If the attack is even theoretically possible, you hit with perfect accuracy and incredible power. Collaborate on what incredible power means.

Afterward, you won’t be able to make ranged attacks with that type of weapon until you’ve replenished your ammunition.

Collaborate: How do you replace your ammo once you’ve decided it’s gone?

Describe: Making a desperate shot, putting your hope into your last arrow, drawing a special ammo.

Incredible Power: Knock them back, knock something out of their hand, your projectile pierces through.




[ Tracking, Combat, Defense, Powerful ]

When you enter a new, relatively complex location, you may give that location the resource: Cover [ ] [ ] [ ].

When you receive a bolster (from yourself or someone else) which would logically put you in cover, in addition to the normal bolster advantage, you may transfer one point of cover from the location onto your character sheet as a defense: Cover [ ].

Mark it when you suffer a Bad Tale that could be mitigated by that cover. Remove it if you leave cover for any reason.

Collaborate: What’s the minimum required to constitute effective cover for your purposes? Can you do it in an open plain? How about a desert environment?

Describe: Diving behind a wall, ducking under a bush, crouching behind a cart, hiding in a trench.

Eagle Eye

[ Tracking, Combat, Passive, Range ]

Collaborate on how the distance of your ranged attacks exceeds normal limitations.

Describe: Arcing your bow for maximum distance, drawing a bead with your rifle, aiming carefully.

New Limits: A mile, anything you can see, anything under the open sky, several blocks, the moon.


[ Tracking, Combat, Control ]

Spend a good tale to inflict a condition on an arm, leg, or similar appendage. Work with your group to determine the mechanical effect of that condition.

Describe: Aiming for a weak spot, firing a poisoned arrow, striking true.

Conditions: Arrow to the knee, hamstrung, shot through the hand, broken tail, tattered wings.


[ Tracking, Combat, DPS ]

So long as neither you, nor your target, are engaged in melee combat, you can spend a point of your signature resource to identify a fleeting shortcut opportunity representative of your careful aim. The opportunity is lost after your next action, regardless of the outcome.

Describe: careful aim, hitting them where it hurts

Set Trap

[ Tracking, Combat, Trap ]

As a neutral tale, spend one point of your signature resource to create a well-hidden trap. It triggers when a creature other than you is close enough to touch it.

When it triggers as a result of a neutral tale, you get a free tale to describe the effects. Alternatively, you may spend a good tale to drive an enemy into the trap.

Collaborate: how does the trap work? What effect does it have?

Describe: Hiding a trap under leaves, stringing a trip-wire, digging a hidden pit, placing a bear trap.

Effects: Explode, trigger a loud alarm, spew poison, create a pit, catch fire, ensnare them in a net.



[ Tracking, Exploration, Gather Intel ]

When you investigate a scene, collaborate with the GM to determine 2 or 3 clues as two what happened there recently. For each clue, you may present up to 3 theories about what it means. The GM will answer with cold, warm or hot depending on how close you are.

If you tried in good faith, but you’re not getting close to the truth, you may spend 1 point of your signature resource to have the GM help you get there.

Describe: Reading their tracks to determine what happened, following the trail, deciphering the evidence.

Favored Enemy

[ Tracking, Exploration, Gather Information, Narrative Authority ]

Collaborate on a type of creature.

You are considered an “Expert” and “Authority” on that type of creature. Increase rolls to track them and recall information about them. You may also declare facts about the creature.

Describe: Flashback to Studying the creatures, listening to a mentor, living amongst them, etc. Spotting their footprints, smelling their scent, etc.

Foes: Dragons, wizards, beasts, citizens of the Golden Kingdom, elves, undead, vampires, aquatic beasts.

Know your Land

[ Tracking, Exploration, Travel, Expertise ]

Your knowledge of the land makes it easy for you to identify shortcuts, anticipate bottlenecks and avoid problems.

On exploration challenges involving travel, you receive the following benefits:

  • You’re bolstered to identify shortcut opportunities.
  • Whenever someone discovers a new threat, as a neutral tale, you may spend a point of your signature resource to circumvent or delay that threat a few hours.
  • you can have the GM provide you with a map of the region.

Describe: Examining the landscape, scanning from a high vantage point, feeling the earth beneath you. Circumnavigating bottlenecks and likely ambushes.

Know your Prey

[ Tracking, Exploration, Track, Bolster ]

You can name a single visible creature as your quarry. As a neutral tale, you may spend a point of your signature resource to have the GM tell you the precise direction of your quarry.

This beneficial knowledge will grant bolster for rolls to identify shortcut opportunities or just to pursue your quarry directly.

Change quarry anytime as a neutral tale.

Describe: Reading tracks, following your instincts, using your soul compass, tracking their scent, anticipating their behaviour.

Related Traits: Dragon.My Precious


[ Tracking, Exploration, Gather Intel, Bolster ]

When you carefully observe something for at least 10 minutes, you may ask the GM 1 question about it. If you act on that information, you’re bolstered to confront, overcome, or avoid that thing.

When you extensively observe something for at least 1 hour, you may ask two more questions. Receive 1 bolster for each new piece of information gained.

The GM may turn these questions back to you.

You can report your findings to transfer any of these accrued bolsters to others.

Example Questions: What’s my best way in? Who’s the biggest threat? Is there an easier way around?

Describe: Following enemy troop movements, scouting ahead, patrolling the wilderness for your prey.

Related Traits: Thievery.Assassin

Survival Skills

[ Tracking, Exploration, Survival, Expertise, Passive, Bolster ]

When you’re in the wilderness or at sea, you receive the following benefits:

  • You’re bolstered to find food, drink, shelter, light and warmth
  • You may undergo a CL2 challenge to create a shelter. While sheltered, everyone in your party recovers one point of any resource for free.
  • If anyone discovers a new threat while you’re resting, you may immediately tell 1 free good tale representing your survival skills and preparation.

Describe: Identifying native species, living off the land, relying on instinct, hunting prey, foraging for food, setting traps.


[ Tracking, Exploration, Discovery, Narrative Authority ]

Gain the defense: Trailblazer []. When anyone in your party gets a bad tale while you’re exploring the unknown, you can mark the box to instead discover a new “landmark”.

Landmarks are interesting, undiscovered places, that hold opportunity and danger.

Describe: what sort of landmark you find, what opportunity it presents, and why your “present threats” seem unwilling to venture inside.

Examples: A ring of mysterious stone circles, a dungeon entrance in the basement of an abandoned shack, a shimmering archway at a dead end tunnel, a misty island in the middle of the ocean, etc.

Related Traits: Bardic Lore.According to Legend. Warfare.High Ground, Arcane.Place of Power, Faith.Sanctuary



Collaborate on how you’re a representative of the law, and what special privileges and resources this status grants you.

Describe: Flashing a badge, reciting your official title, showing a warrant, leveraging political connections.

Resources and Privileges: You can arrest people, local peace keepers help you, some laws don’t apply to you.


[ Tracking, Interaction, Gather Intel, Interrogation ]

When you conduct a humane interrogation, without resorting to torture or intimidation tactics, you’re bolstered to discover your subject’s “tell”, that thing which lets you know when they’re lying. Once known, you may bolster your subsequent attempts to gather information from this compliant subject.

When they’ve had enough, they might still refuse to answer further questions or demand to be released.

Describe: Watching their eyes, reading their body language, noticing discrepancies in their stories.

Related Traits: Savagery.Intimidating, Psionics.Read Mind Warfare.Cold Read

Lone Wolf

[ Tracking, Interaction, Stealth, Disguise ]

As a neutral tale, spend 1 point of your signature resource to have others generally ignore you as long as you don’t draw attention to yourself. Afterward, they’ll forget everything about you, vaguely remembering you as just some person.

Describe: Pulling up your hooded cloak, hanging in the shadows, keeping to yourself, giving the cold shoulder.

Related Traits: Thievery.Escape , Arcane.Invisibility, Psionics.Confusion, Beast.Camouflage

Perks of the Job

[ Tracking, Interaction, Support  ]

When you embark upon a long challenge ( CL > 8 ), spend 1 point of your signature resource and explain what extra aid you obtain.

The aid will dry up at the end of the challenge, or sooner if you’re not fulfilling your obligations in a timely manner.

Collaborate: Who provides the aid? What type of aid is available to you: Tools, Resources, Minions, Information?

Describe: Asking for an advance, attracting aid due to your fame, leveraging your contacts, getting lucky.


[ Tracking, Interaction, Defense, Antimagic ]

You believe in Natural Law and Physical properties of matter. You understand much about how the world works. Gain the defense: Skeptic [ ] [ ]. Mark it when you receive bad tales from magic, psionics, or similar unnatural origins. You may also mark it to ignore intimidation or manipulation attempts from demons, faeries, deities, etc.

Consider: You might also be less likely to entertain outlandish conspiracy theories. “No, the governor is not influenced by a demon. No, they’re not in a secret cult.”

Describe: Stoicism. Staunch disbelief in parlour tricks and simple illusions. Relying on facts, not hearsay.