

Related Themes: Beast, Undeath, Occultism, Savagery, Heritage

Signature Resource Suggestions: Genetic Material, Moonlight



[ Transformation, Combat, Summon ]

Spend a good tale to create a temporary clone of yourself. Split your remaining resource pools between you and your clone until you merge back together. When you do, you inherit all the damage and conditions your clone had.

Describe: Splitting in half, popping into existence next to yourself, growing a clone in a tube, self-replicating.

How it Works: You have to grow your clones in a lab, they’re treacherous, the process gives you a condition.


[ Transformation, Combat, Respec ]

You may undergo a CL3 challenge to discard an old trait and gain a new trait.

Describe: Adapting to the environment, growing from your experiences, incorporating foreign DNA.


[ Transformation, Combat, Extra Trait ]

As a neutral tale, when you see a creature use an ability, you can spend a point of your signature resource to gain that ability for several hours. You can only have one such temporary ability.

Collaborate: what does the ability do, exactly?

Describe: Copying whatever they do, assimilating their DNA, reactively adapting, evolving, changing your soul.

Related Traits: Bardic Lore.Jack of All Trades


[ Transformation, Combat, Respec ]

You can turn creatures into other creatures.

Spend a good tale to convert a willing target or an easy unwilling target, like a mook. Charge or empower this trait to affect stronger unwilling targets, like lieutenants and bosses.

They refund all of their XP, and can spend it however they want to suit their new form.

Describe: Hexing them with dark magic, reshaping skin and bones, mutating them, reweaving their soul.


[ Transformation, Combat, Healing ]

You heal roughly 1 point of Health per hour, even without treatment. You can also heal things that should otherwise be permanent conditions.

Describe: Wounds spontaneously closing, regrowing an arm, stitching your flesh together, magically healing.

Unhealable Things: Amputated hand, lost eye, missing teeth, burn scars, tumorous growths, paralysis.


You have an alternate form.

Describe the specific conditions which would cause you to change shape. These conditions should not be entirely in your control.

Create a second character sheet that always has the same XP as your main character.

When the conditions are met, as a neutral tale, you must either change shape, or lose a point of any resource to stave off the transformation.

Collaborate: How does the transformation look and feel.

Reskin ideas: Jeckyll and Hyde mutagenic potion for an alchemist, controlled by overwhelming secret addiction.


Alter Size

[ Transformation, Exploration, Size ]

Spend a good tale to change your size for a few hours. Collaborate on how much you can change your size.

Describe: Warping space around you, accelerating your metabolism, harnessing your titan blood.


[ Transformation, Exploration, Stealth ]

If you’re perfectly motionless, you’re almost invisible. As a neutral tale, you can escape detection, so long as you remain perfectly motionless and the creatures searching don’t have better-than-human hearing or smell.

Describe: Surrounding yourself in an illusion, changing your skin color, becoming transparent.

Empower: You also disguise your scent, heatbeat, temperature, breathing, etc.

Related Traits: Thievery.Cloaked in Shadows, From the Shadows. Transformation: It was me all along.

Clay Body

[ Transformation, Exploration, Bolster, Mobility, Escape ]

Your body can be malleable like clay or rubber. As a neutral tale, spend a point of your signature resource to change your body shape, which will allow you to fit through small openings, reach distant items, pull hands out of manacles, etc.

Describe: Stretching your muscles, popping your bones out of joint, becoming like clay or water, bending.

Shape Flesh

[ Transformation, Exploration, Stealth ]

Spend a good tale to transform into an object of similar size. At any time, as a neutral tale, you can revert to your original form. While you’re an object, you retain your senses but cannot take actions.

Collaborate: What does the transformation process look like? How long does it take?

Empower: transform into objects up to twice or half your size. Transform instantaneously.

Describe: Morphing, changing your skin, warping reality, transferring your soul to a physical vessel.

Backfire: You’re trapped in the object. Reverting takes longer than normal. The process is painful.


[ Transformation, Exploration, Support, Energy Transfer ]

Any time, as a neutral tale you may spend a point of your signature resource to initiate a resource conversion. Then, spend a good tale to give someone two points of their own signature resource.

Describe: Turning water into wine, Faery magic into Flowers, etc.


A Thousand Masks

[ Transformation, Interaction, Impersonate, Bolster ]

Spend a good tale to change your appearance to become nearly identical to another similarly sized creature. Rolls to impersonate your target are bolstered.

While you are impersonating someone, the GM must honestly answer all of your questions about your role’s mannerisms, and habits, but not their specific knowledge.

Describe: Putting on a perfect disguise, changing bodies, morphing your phase, creating an illusion.

Related Traits: Transformation.Takes One to Know One

Change of Heart

[ Transformation, Interaction, Charm ]

Spend a good tale to change part of a creature’s personality for several hours.

Targets will not be aware of the process until after the effects have worn off.

Once the effect has worn off, there’s a chance they’ll associate you with the change, particularly if they had any allies present during the process. Subsequent bad tales could be spent to that effect, to “introduce or escalate a threat”.

Describe: Warping their mind, inverting brain waves, reversing the polarity, changing their alignment.

Reverses: Trust into mistrust, hate into love, curiosity into disinterest, lawfulness into lawlessness.

Cosmic Trade

[ Transformation, Interaction ]

Spend a good tale to permanently trade parts of yourself with a willing creature.

Empower: affect an unwilling creature, copy the part instead of swapping

Describe: Switching parts of your souls, swapping body parts, changing bodies, reshaping reality.

Trade: Faces, bodies, attributes, traits, personalities, minds, destinies, traits, conditions, beauty for brains.


[ Transformation, Interaction]

When you defeat a creature, you may undergo a CL2 challenge to become identical to them in every way.

Get a new character sheet from the GM. Assign traits and attributes equal to your XP to closely approximate the creature you defeated.

Bolster all attempts to impersonate that creature.

You may return to your original form as a neutral tale.

Describe: Stealing their whole identity, changing your form, absorbing their essence, changing skin.

Collaborate: How many forms can you remember? What bad things happen if you spend too much time in an alternate form?

Related Traits: Arcane.Illusion, Thievery.Second Identity, Transformation.A Thousand Masks


[ Transformation, Interaction, Fun ]

Spend a good tale to fuse with other willing creatures and become a single entity with all of your combined strengths and weaknesses. Collaborate on what this entails. This ends when any participant wants out.

Describe: Fusing with gem magic, absorbing their bodies, initiating morphing time, forming the head.

Entails: Takes less damage, gain access to all traits, grow in size, use the highest attributes from each person.

It Was Me All Along!

[ Transformation, Interaction, Situational ]

If nobody knows where you are, as a neutral tale, you can reveal that an unimportant NPC was secretly you all along.

Describe: Pulling back your hood, taking off your mask, morphing to your true form, staging a grand reveal.

Takes One to Know One

[ Transformation, Interaction, Situational, Weak ]

While you are impersonating someone, the GM must answer all of your questions about your role’s mannerisms, habits, and knowledge if the answers would help you perform that role. Explain how you know this information.

Describe: Copying body language perfectly, creating a flawless disguise, studying your mark, acting.

The Curse

[ Transformation, Interaction, Charm ]

Collaborate on how you curse others. Spend a good tale to curse an NPC in that manner.

Once cursed, whenever a player “spends time”, the target of the curse will become more like you, either by obtaining a new condition, or by replacing one of their traits with one of yours. Once they’ve fully converted, their disposition toward you significantly improves.

Describe: Infecting their bloodstream, hexing them with magic, leaving a mark on their skin, cursing them.

Spread By: Draining their blood, biting them, giving them a parasite, performing a tribal ritual. Transform Into: Vampire, werewolf, zombie, ghost, horrific Old One, assimilated insectoid, drone.

See: Time, Rest, Recovery, Healing